Wood Pellet Mix Hard Wood (30KG PACK)


Pada produk Wood Pellet Hard Wood, kayu yang dipilih merupakan 100% kayu keras, sehingga terjamin kualitasnya.

分類: 標籤:

Our wood pellets are made from a selected mix tropical hardwoods and processed using advanced machinery.
Wood pellets as an environmentally friendly fuel, suitable for UMKM, industry, power plants, and can also be used as a cage base.
We offer both bulk and small quantity sales, with factory-direct pricing (MT), excluding VAT and shipping costs.
We serve both domestic and export market,
for more information , please contact our WA at +62-81328068603

Rp 1.700.000 /MT

重量 1000 公斤

Per kilograms



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